News — terrace gallery
What's happening in 2023…

Well, it's a new year and we sneakily had a month off after a busy last year to reorganise the gallery and get ready for our new tenants on the upper floors. A new blue stripe now divides the gallery to emphasise the artwork on the walls, new shelving to host our ever-growing collection of books by local authors and Sam, our gallery manager, is now a permanent fixture in the gallery shop. On hand to help you discover more about our monthly exhibitions, artists and authors, Sam knows a wide range of creatives and can match your needs with...
Three was a magic number

We caused a bit of confusion this week with our three opening events. Our hectic and bewildering schedule wasn't an excuse to party for three nights solidly, it was all part of a cunning plan to take into account the size of the gallery, the number of people we had invited, and numerology. The theory of three defines rules in science, interior design and speechwriting. It is used to structure plays, TV series and film scripts, and often defines a group of good-humoured comrades in dramas. Think Harry Potter, Charlies Angels, the Three Amigos etc. This week our own talented trio of...