News — art gallery
It’s strange how a business evolves

It’s strange how a business evolves. When we opened the gallery, we knew we needed an online presence, not only for a place of contact but also because art sales through a web portal can significantly boost any business. However, we never anticipated that our online offering would be our sole source of sales and our biggest marketing tool. Now it seems our choice of website structure was invaluable. We had never used Shopify to build a website before. But after some substantial research, we decided that the clean relatively easy to adapt software was begrudgingly worth the $29 basic monthly...
Offering a helping hand

Exceptional circumstances often generate acts of generosity and community spirit. We are lucky that the art community is always very giving and supportive. Maybe its because most artists have at one time, or another felt the pain and heartache of barely making ends meet. I remember living off tuna rice salad in those days of waiting for the grant cheque to come in before credit cards were every item in your wallet. Checking the emails in eager anticipation of our next booking, which meant we would survive when we started our chalet business. Fighting AXA to refund the cost of emergency surgery in...
A journey to freedom of expression

It's International women's day, so what better excuse to focus on the contribution women have made to art. Our first female exhibitor Lee Kellgren has journeyed from a career in computer graphics, through motherhood, returning to undertake a degree in art later in life and restarting her life as a printmaker and painter. Our subsequent exhibitors, Linda Matthews, Nicola Moseley, Corinne Detain and Ella Carty, have also taken unique journeys into making their mark from their dedicated studio spaces. For years women have been represented as a subject rather than the creative force behind the artwork. Having the time, money...
Three was a magic number

We caused a bit of confusion this week with our three opening events. Our hectic and bewildering schedule wasn't an excuse to party for three nights solidly, it was all part of a cunning plan to take into account the size of the gallery, the number of people we had invited, and numerology. The theory of three defines rules in science, interior design and speechwriting. It is used to structure plays, TV series and film scripts, and often defines a group of good-humoured comrades in dramas. Think Harry Potter, Charlies Angels, the Three Amigos etc. This week our own talented trio of...
It's official

At last, we have a date for our gallery opening. Well, actually, we have three dates. You could say that we are doing things on a grand scale, but in all honesty, the space is quite small, so it fills quite quickly. And it would be nice to dedicate some time to chat with everyone who has made an effort to visit on what could be another wet and windy night, rather than the brief hello you manage at a wedding. With the date in the diary and mayor now invited, the behind the scene machine has now started. All...