News — Falmouth
2021 Emerging artists

With all the turbulence of 2020, we consciously left the design of our marketing literature until quite late. It now seems that our sixth sense paid off, as just as we were about to press the button to dispatch the artwork to the printers, the COVID restrictions tightened. And Cornwall was thrust into Tier 3. A full lockdown unfortunately followed, bringing with it devastating complications for our exhibiting artists. We had selected January as the perfect month to showcase the collections of three inspiring local artists who are tentatively starting to make headway as professional artists... Currently in the process of collating his portfolio for his graduation from Falmouth...
Ope' n' studios

An eye-catching collection of work is cluttering the hallways of the gallery at the moment waiting to be hung, as our resident artists get ready for Open Studios Cornwall on the 29th August. One particular exclusive collection by Dave Pentin will be on show in the first-floor event space. A stunning series of seven images, Dave has been working hard to turn his long term fascination with the local passageways - Ope's - into a series of paintings specifically for the event. Although found throughout the South-West, the word Ope is featured in the Cornish dictionary, as meaning an alley (between buildings). In Cornwall, Ope's typically sprung up in between workshops and houses...
Keep Calm and Create

In these uncertain times, when stuck at home, make use of the great gift of time you have been given and create. We have an unprecedented opportunity to take a step back from your busy life to do something constructive. Our studio artists are doing just that. With no distractions from social get-togethers or events, they have immersed themselves in their passion. The paints are out. The canvases are prepped. And their minds are filling with positive, inspirational ideas. Mentally the last few weeks have been tough on everyone. It's easy to lose perspective when you have no routine, and some people feel adrift with...
Supporting the makers

One of the lovely aspects of opening the gallery has been all the heartfelt support we have received from other artists and makers in the area. It has made us realise how lucky we are to be a part of an amazing creative community and how integral it is to our nature. Fifteen years ago, we escaped our nine-to-five existence to live in the Alps. The area was a playground for sports enthusiasts, a paradise for nature buffs and rich in heritage for culture lovers. But artistically it was a vacuum. We started to paint and sketch again during the art...