Artists furry friends
Every artist should have a dog to walk the landscape whilst seeking inspiration. Surprisingly despite having four artists in the building until now, none have a furry companion to bring into the studios. So let me introduce Sandy, our new studio and gallery dog. A medium-sized, sweet-natured Romanian rescue dog of unknown parentage she has already stolen the hearts of the studio residents and visitors to the gallery. We are unique in having a hairy friend to keep us company in the long hours while we paint art history is littered with famous four-legged companions. Henri Matisse had two cats,...
Harnessing emotion to create great art
I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn't say any other way – things I had no words for. Georgia O'Keeffe is one of the most significant artists of the 20th century. She is renowned for her contribution to modern art and was no stranger to the strong emotions which often fuelled her best pieces. Dali, Munch, Van Gogh and Picasso all produced strong imagery from dark periods in their lives. A subject which has been researched by many who have documented that sadness links emotion with cognition and initiates more detail-oriented work. Or...
Our amazing creative residents
It's been a busy weekend so far, and we are looking forward to many more visitors in the coming week for the Open Studios Cornwall event. Most of our guests have been surprised that anything exists beyond the gallery. The labyrinth of rooms which make up the event space and studios span all three floors of the building aren’t apparent from the front of the building but are put to good use by our residents. Our resident artists Dave, Lee and Derek beaver away behind the scenes creating masterpieces while Sam is often found hammering away at her keyboard as she...
Ope' n' studios
An eye-catching collection of work is cluttering the hallways of the gallery at the moment waiting to be hung, as our resident artists get ready for Open Studios Cornwall on the 29th August. One particular exclusive collection by Dave Pentin will be on show in the first-floor event space. A stunning series of seven images, Dave has been working hard to turn his long term fascination with the local passageways - Ope's - into a series of paintings specifically for the event. Although found throughout the South-West, the word Ope is featured in the Cornish dictionary, as meaning an alley (between buildings). In Cornwall, Ope's typically sprung up in between workshops and houses...
Open for coffee, cake and conversation
Unfortunately, the COVID 19 pandemic wiped out any possibility of the Open Studios Cornwall event going ahead in May. And we feared, like so many other artists that all our careful planning would be for nothing. Thankfully, after a period of consultation with the hundreds of artists, designers and makers who were due to participate, and a welcome downturn in infection rates, the organisers took the brave decision to reschedule the event for the 29th August. It's not an ideal date for everyone, but the new ten-day period which ends on the 6th September spans a bank holiday, which is fantastic news for anyone who...